Hi, I am Alyssa.

I go by a myriad of titles such as Mom, Amor, Sissy, Daughter, and Life Coach. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories.

The biggest compliment I've received is that others feel loved in my presence. It is my life´s purpose to help others feel that love within themselves and their relationships (regardless of their circumstances).

I am not claiming to be a relationship guru. I am not perfect and neither are my relationships. However, I do have the desire to continually improve them.

I love being a Mother AND it's so dang hard. I stepped into this role with all sorts of illusions and fantasies of giving my kids a "Leave It to Beaver" type childhood, one counter to my own. Now don't get me wrong, my childhood was pretty awesome (love me some 80s and 90s) and I wouldn't change it for the world but being raised by a single Mom was tough. My brother and I were pretty feral and fortunately, our Mom still doesn't know half of what we got away with! But I regress…my biggest fear for my children was a “broken home”. So I did whatever it took, to the point of extreme self-sacrifice to keep my family together. I glorified pouring into everyone else while neglecting myself. The obligation to serve everyone besides myself became a badge of honor. It was exhausting, painful, and lonely. The result of this strategy was losing my sense of self, tons of resentment, and eventually being on my own.

Next chapter, let's throw in an unexpected pregnancy which meant I was caring for and being 100% financially responsible for my 4 kiddos. That was a tough time. It’s quite safe to say there isn’t much I haven’t been through as a parent (knock on wood).

The only time I could come up for air was during my sessions with a Life Coach.

Fast forward a few years…after FINALLY investing in myself and learning a bunch of tools…I am honored to be a Life Coach helping others to have better relationships.

If I've learned anything from this crazy thing called life, it's that we never completely figure it out or get it done. It kind of feels like a joy kill right? But trust me, it's gonna be okay. How do I know this? Because just like you, I've been through some pretty dark moments. Ones that evoke feelings of shame, regret, guilt, all the adjectives that describe feeling like a piece of $h!t.

But I'll be damned that in hindsight (and with a lot of coaching help along the way) I realized ALL my life experiences hold value and wisdom. Yup, in both the good and bad ones.

I've always been a curious person. I love to study and understand human behavior, I get off on journaling, self-reflection, the laws of the Universe, etc. but nothing beats sitting down with a Coach to clear out all the chatter in my head, to have a trusted soul to support me in becoming the highest version of myself.

You deserve that, too. Let every decision, goal, or dream be inspired by your highest self. Sound like a far fetch from where you stand? Hang in there. I promise that you can feel peace regardless of the circumstances. Together, we will meet this version of you.

Let's do this!



These days…

I live in Morelia, México with my blended family that includes my sex-Mexi of a husband who has bravely chosen to co-parent my 3 sons and daughter plus a pup named Paco and a cat named Frizzles. Over the years, we have lived in San Diego, CA, and Medellín, Colombia. I can't tell you exactly what the next chapter holds but without a doubt, it will involve travel, living down south, family, mangos, tacos, and working with my awesome clients.