How It Works

A customized series of virtual sessions designed to help you deal with immediate problems, clarify your relationship goals, and begin learning the skills necessary to improve ANY relationship.

The package includes a bundle of (4) 45-minute coaching sessions via Zoom or FaceTime.

Investment: $300

Immediate Relief

Together, we are going to help you feel relief from whatever stress or struggle you are experiencing in your relationship(s).


You may not know exactly what you want AND that is okay. Sometimes we are only aware of what we DON´T want. Most likely you are done with feeling frustrated, distant, and hopeless in your relationship. That’s a great place to begin, I got you!

Learn NEW skills

Great news, it only takes one person to shift the relationship. You will regain your power and peace of mind through some AMAZING interpersonal skills that will serve you an entire lifetime in ALL your relationships!

Let every decision be guided by your Highest Self.